Baby Passport Photo Requirements
iVisa | 3 min read | Updated on Oct 04, 2023

While getting ready to hop on a family vacation, passports are essential if you are leaving the comfortable borders of home. As parents, you may be wondering if you are the only ones required to have a passport. It may surprises but the answer is no. Each child, regardless of age, needs to have their own documents in order to leave the country. Yes, even newborns. Basically, if you’re alive and breathing, you have to possess a valid passport which includes a recent photo.

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What Are the Baby Passport Requirements

Now how to take baby passport photo differs a bit from adults. Aside from even basic sizing and formatting, infant passport photo requirements and baby passport photo requirements are the same. Here are the details you need to be aware of when taking your child’s photo at home or by a professional:

  • Most countries require the infant’s face be squared with the camera and eyes completely open. Though this is tricky and may take a few additional shots to attain, it’s absolutely essential for application acceptance.
  • Lighting needs to be even. There cannot be any shadows across the infants’ face or background. Picture should show true skin tone and likeness.
  • If you are holding the baby, check to be certain your hands are not visible in the photo. It’s recommended to place an infant in a car seat or to lay them on the floor.
  • Use a plain, white colored cloth or sheet to comply with background guidelines. Each country is different and may allow for a light colored or grey cloth. Be sure to check the details of your home nation before taking the image.
  • Toys, pacifiers, bottles or blankets are not permitted in the photo. Though these items can comfort a baby, they cannot be in the image.
  • Each baby or child needs their own individual photo. Family shots or group pictures are never acceptable. As tempting as it may be to submit a picture of the kids, don’t. It will only delay your vacation.
  • Shoulders need to be in view. Generally, the head should take up 70% of the total image though there are slight variations by location.

What are the newborn baby passport photo requirements?

The new born baby passport photo requirements are identical to the baby passport photo requirements with a few minor differences. It's acceptable for an infant to not have fully open eyes or even closed eyes. The Department of State understands that it can be challenging to maintain an infant's expression.

Can I take a baby passport photo on my phone?

Yes, A baby passport photo maybe taken on the phone as long as you follow the baby passport photo requirements. Requirements include good lighting, plain background, and infants face in view of the camera. A service may be used to help you get the perfect infant photo such as iVisa Photos.

How can you get a newborn baby passport photo?

As you can see, the requirements for passport photo infant or passport photo newborn are nearly identical. Instead of dragging your kid’s outa the house and into a long line at the post office, consider an online service such as iVisa Photos. Not only can you take the photos yourself, but if the infant is being squeamish, you can retake as many pictures as necessary. Our services are simple and easy to use giving an enjoyable experience to you. If there are any issues with the site or if you have questions, our friendly staff is standing by to quickly assist you. We offer 100% government compliance on all images submitted to us. All you need to do is take the picture from home or office and send it in. We take care of the details so you don’t have to. The sooner you get started with us, the faster you’ll be crossing the border to traveling paradise.

Examples of passport baby photos

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