iVisa.com - About Us

Our Company

Simplifying the lives of our customers is at the heart of everything we do. At iVisa we endeavor to make traveling easy. Whether you need a visa, photo, passport or any other travel document, we’ve uncomplicated the process so you can focus on what’s important.

Over 1M Clients Served

We pride ourselves on being the most reliable experts in the industry. That’s why over 1M travelers have chosen iVisa to help them get their documents.

10 Years of Experience

The rules and requirements of international travel have always been hard to understand. In an effort to make it simple for people to get where they wanted to go, iVisa was born. For the last 10 years we have built a platform on top of that expertise to take the burden off of our customers with unmatched service.

iVisa Services over 180 countries

We began with a handful of travel corridors. From there, we slowly expanded our offerings while maintaining the same level of quality that they had grown to love. Today, we offer travel documentation and services to over 180 countries with experts located around the world.


iVisa has grown from a start-up to a scale-up over the last decade. We’ve built a sustainable, pandemic-proof, product offering while providing meaningful value to millions of people. As we continue to grow, quality and service will remain as our central tenants.

Global company with US roots

Our journey may have started in an apartment in Miami, but today we have teams and offices located across the world. From New York and Washington D.C. to Lima and Madrid, the fabric of iVisa is global and diverse.


The world changes more and more rapidly everyday, the pandemic has taught us that. At iVisa, we manage the ever changing rules and regulations required for our customers to travel on a real-time basis. Our customers can always count on us to provide them with the most up to date information.

A global team providing a solution for a global problem.

200+ team members spread across 17 different countries
world map of ivisers
Image of team offsite in Peru Company offsite in Paracas, Peru, July 2022

How did we get here?


David & Sergio founded iVisa processing visas to Argentina


Offered visas for 3 destinations with 6 employees


Opened offices in US & Europe with 15 employees


Rebranded to iVisa.com and opened a new Call Center


Opened HQ in Peru with 40 employees


Offered visas for 45 destinations & served about 60,000 travelers


Selected an Endeavor company with 120 employees


Integrated Health Declarations and Passport Photos to our travel solutions


Integrated Passport Renewals and Schengen Visa to our travel solutions

Our Values

Think of the customer first

We are a customer obsessed team. Our mission is to simplify travel for our clients. This means we are always available (24/7). We listen to our clients. We are patient. We go the extra mile. We do everything we can so our clients get their documentation easy and fast!

Keep it simple

Simplifying is part of our mission. There are many “do-it-yourself” travelers so our biggest competitive advantage is being simpler than the government. Internally, we aim to find simple solutions to complex problems. We don’t take the easy road, but we do explore if there is a simpler way to get things done.

Ask for data

We are a digital company so we have all the data you need. Just ask for it! Data helps to explain things. Data guides decisions. Data confirms findings. Deep diving into data is fun! Embrace it. Our goal is to create this deep data culture so we devise and accomplish our company strategy.

Work as a close team

We are from 20+ countries. We are remote first. Our success lies in our closeness as a team. We need to communicate (mainly through Slack). We need to work across time zones and more importantly in teams. Helping each other always translates into helping our clients.

Get the job done

We started out as an action-oriented team. Always thinking "fast is better than slow". We continue to act fast, but with the highest standards in mind. Quality control has its own dedicated team, but they understand we need to generate output. Our wonderful platform is the result of the daily quality of actions taken.

Have fun and learn

Life is hard but having fun makes it so much easier. So have fun and learn. We are cutting edge in terms of e-commerce and love to experiment. We have lots of dedicated professionals with lots of experience. So learning opportunities exist throughout the company. Seek them out and have fun!

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